Using modern tooling for faster frontend development

Why bother? Life is too short to waste it on tedious tasks such as installing dependencies or waiting for the Webpack to finish bundling your whole app even though you’ve made a small label change. That’s when modern frontend technologies come in. I’ll be focusing on the migration of an typical old setup (~2019) with […]

How to enable Kubernetes cluster autoscaling in AWS

In this blog post, you will learn how to configure autoscaling for a Kubernetes cluster running in AWS. In the most common scenarios web applications are not always under the same workload. The number of users varies depending on the time of a day, week, or even year, so to save resources and money it’s […]

4th German – East European & CIS Health Forum

On October 22, 2020, a conference was held by the German Health Alliance (GHA) as an official side event of the World Health Summit (WHS). As a GHA member, NubiSoft accepted the invitation to actively participate as a speaker. The meeting took place in Berlin but was also live-streamed. Therefore, the speakers started the day […]