OpenFaaS – how to avoid vendor lock-in when doing serverless

Recently serverless computing gets more and more attention and popularity. Thanks to this concept you can increase your productivity because it let you focus almost exclusively on implementing business logic and getting, at the same time, all the enterprise-ready scalability and availability. OpenFaaS is a very interesting player here, as it can be easily deployed […]

Setting up Ubuntu on GPU EC2 in AWS for ML with PyTorch – part 2

In the first part of this post, we showed you how to set up a G2 class EC2 host in the AWS cloud and how to install Tesla GPU drivers for the Ubuntu operating system on it. Now all that’s left to do is to configure the PyTorch environment and run it on the interactive […]

Setting up Ubuntu on GPU EC2 in AWS for ML with PyTorch – part 1

In this post, we will show you how to configure your Ubuntu GPU EC2 instance in Amazon Web Services from start to finish so that you can perform Deep Learning tasks on it. At NubiSoft, we usually implement machine learning with less popular cloud service providers, because AWS is not the cheapest, and the learning […]

How to set up Kubernetes Ingress with AWS ALB Ingress Controller

In this blog post you will learn how to set up ingress for your Kubernetes application with AWS Application Load Balancer. Mots of workloads run on your Kubernetes cluster ultimately need to be exposed to end-users. This is where Ingress comes to play – a special Kubernetes object responsible for providing external access to the […]